Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The New Year 2014: #itsabeautifulthing To Start Anew #visualize #recharge #safehaven

Most of us see New Year's Eve as an opportunity to sort out what we want to bring into the new year. We put a lot of pressure on this day because we believe how we start off this new year will determine how we will carry on for the entire 12 months. That's a lot of pressure for one day in the year, but I feel that parts of this belief holds true. I believe that how we start something will set the precedence for how the project will play out, however I don't believe that one day will determine the entire 365 days. I see the new year as a chance to "re-visualize" your goals and to give your vision a 365 day timeline is a wonderful tactic. 

1. Take a moment to yourself
Sit and close your eyes. Picture a sinasoidal timeline with each valley as a month in the year. Each month is going to have its ups and downs, that's a given, so prepare and accept that. But, just like a sinasoidal graph, it continues on.

2. Pick a sub-theme, one that will encompass all of your New Year's Resolution
Pick a theme and stick to it. Commit to it. But remember, the above all theme is "love".

3. Don't put so much pressure on this day, it's just day one. It's a marathon, not a sprint
Yes, how we start something will set the precedence, but let's look at New Year's Eve as the last day of preparation before we start anew. Think of it as the wounded soldier that must retreat into the "safe haven" to mend any broken armor before re-entering the battlefield. Treat yourself kindly as well as those you choose to be around. If 2014 has given you too many strikes to your armor, polish your pelts alone and re-charge. 

Thank you 2013. Time to revv up and recharge. The gift to do so, well #itsabeautifulthing!

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